Britain, Democracy not Dictatorship

Following the TUC the right wing press has engaged in a predictable round of hysterical union bashing. “Who Governs?” is the now pretty much bog standard attack on Trade Unions any time they oppose something the Government of the day is doing.

This represents a profound misrepresentation of the kind of political system we live in. Constitutionally only the Government can pass laws (well Parliament if you want to be a stickler for accuracy) but we live in a Liberal Democratic system. That means we have something called “pluralism”, different groups and interests can participate within the political process to try and influence government policy.

Providing such groups operate within the law then this is an absolutely normal part of a functioning western democratic system. For the right wing press to suggest that this is a subversion is deeply, and deliberately dishonest.

The question “Who governs?” could equally (in fact I would say much more so) be levied at Rupert Murdoch (unelected, US citizen, media mogul), Lord Ashcroft (unelected, non domiciled for tax), The Tax Payers Alliance or any number of wealthy, unaccountable, right wing organisations who seek to influence the public policy agenda in the UK.

In fact where Trade Unions differ from this list is the very fact that we are (despite the attempts by the press to characterise use otherwise) fundamentally Democratic organisations. Democracy is in the DNA of the Trade Union movement, and this means we have an in built legitimacy to try and challenge and influence public policy in a way that will benefit our members.

I suspect this is one of the reasons why the right, particularly those unelected parts that seem so vocal on these issues, so hate and despise Trade Unions. For the likes of Rupert Murdoch there is only one right that is important, his right to make obscene amounts of money and to exercise a totally unwarranted amount of control of the public policy agenda of any jurisdiction in which his business’ operate.

But the principle that the right seem to be espousing here is that if the Government propose a policy, it is somehow illegitimate for the Trade Union movement to oppose it. That isn’t democracy, that is dictatorship. Despite Murdoch’s most sincere wishes The UK is very much a democracy and the Trade Union movement has every right to oppose government policy.


14. September 2010 by Ralph Ferrett
Categories: Activism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 2 comments

Comments (2)

  1. I;m surprised that you are so shocked as this attitude to union lobbying has always exsisted. The covert persuasion of the elite is hidden but at least we are honest in our lobbying. I think that the coverage was to be expected when trade unions threaten coordinated strike action to stop the cuts that this coalition are planning they gave out a direct challenge. A reaction was guaranteed from the conservorats and the media which helped them into power. The Gordon Brown Mic On Incident was no accident, someone decided to use it in a vicous way. I recall the moment Arthur Scargill NUM President told a rally of striking miners that they would bring down the government as an act of class war. This was the moment the TUC needed to mobilise workers in a general strike , they did not. Sabre rattling is going on but its all part of the power game. Rest assured as the cuts hit the coalition will weaken not through trade union power will they come undone but instead by people power as they cant keep looking backwards and blaming others, eventually people will see the cost of electing this shower

  2. We are close to a dictatorship type political system than a democratic one.

    We effectively vote for one of 3 parties and 1 (or sometimes more) get in to power. Once they are in power they do what the hell they want.

    I can’t remember people in this country voting for the recent wars we have waged. It doesn’t matter if you support the war, or you don’t, I think everyone should have been asked to vote. This country is NOT a democracy.

    Also to air our views in the street we need permission from the police (aka The SS). So we don’t have true freedom of speech either.

    The coalition has also just effectively set up labour camps. I know someone on benefits who now has an hourly wage of £1.40 an hour. Fair enough that people on benefits who can work, should work, but for minimum wage surely!? This is slave labour.

    This country is closer to Nazi Germany than it has ever been. The French have just kicked out all the gypsies. It seems Hitler won after all.

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