Cool web 2.0 stuff….

love the internet, and technology etc… I am a bona fida geek so all the web 2.0 stuff I lap up. And therefore I thought I would do a quick blog on some of the stuff I have enjoyed this week.

Twit Chat.

Earlier in the week I took part in a twitchat” organised by The Howard League who campaign for penal reform. This twitchat is where they are conducted an interview with someone in real time on in twitter. Their campaign for “less crime, safer communities and fewer people in prison. ” is certainly a good campaign on one I would urge readers to sign up to.

The first of these twitchats was with Kerry McCarthy MP (with whom I was distinctly unimpressed with her lack of support for the Bristol and District CWU during the keep the post public campaign). However she certainly had some interesting things to say about the campaign.

The twitchat was interesting, and the idea of a public, real time, discussion with which members of the public can join in is great and I look forward to more of the series. Whilst it is clearly limited by the medium (140 characters makes it hard to have nuanced points!)

But this is definitely the kind of use of “nu media” that will enhance political discourse and give different types of people the opportunity to take part. Certainly gets a “thumbs up” form me!

Streaming Spotify.

I am a BIG fan of Spotify, I think it is a tremendous service that allows the internet technology to be used in a way to promote music. (the industry is really short sighted if it goes after such things) but there is for me a major limitation, namely that it was on my PC rather than through my lovely stereo.

However I recently bought a pretty nifty media streaming set top box and via the medium of a wonderful free program called Tversity I have been able to follow this simple guide and now can stream the Spotify to my stereo… this is so awesome I am probably going to get the old premium Spotify now as I this is just the bomb for me!

My Podcast.

Given that I am blogging about Web 2.0 it would be remiss of me not to plug my podcast. We have now done a fair few editions with 12 published so far. Upcoming ones with NO2ID, The Howard League, our General Secretary and the Fair Trade foundation mean there are some good ones coming up.

Must say I am not really sure how to integrate them with my blog…. I am kinda thinking the best bet will be to just do a blog post about any I think will interest people outside of the CWU.

Incidently if anyone reading this has any ideas of good people to do podcasts with please do leave me some feedback and I will see what I can do.


13. March 2010 by Ralph Ferrett
Categories: Activism, Web and Technology | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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